Boosting Mobile Signal

Often called mobile boosters, a repeater is designed to detect and amplify a weak 3G, 4G, or 5G signal, allowing it to be rebroadcast at full strength throughout the building. It is the most effective way to improve mobile voice and data services.

The Cel-Fi range of repeaters take a weak cellular signal and add up to 100 dB of gain which can be output inside the house or distributed throughout a building using one or many antennas.

What Are

Mobile Repeaters

Our repeater products provide optimal indoor and outdoor mobile coverage for residential and commercial buildings, including nursing homes, hospitals, shopping centres and more.

Our mobile repeaters to improve coverage while on the move are also available for fleets, marine, and general transportation.

Our repeaters are designed to amplify and disburse a mobile signal within a building without causing any interference to the mobile network. They are the only consumer repeater that has been approved by all mobile carriers in Australia.

Mobile Signal Boosting iCT Group


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    For Your Mobile Signal Needs